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About this site (Page under construction)

Animal Totems : I have been aware for a long time of a Tiger form which follows me around; sometimes with such power of Presence that I have turned to see where it is. I was wary of its presence for many years, not understanding what it was nor why it was there. I began to see a correlation between its appearance and times of stress. I eventually learned of the association between the Tiger and me at my time of birth. Now I know it is a thought-form projected from my higher self and which I can call upon as my friend to assist me in times of trouble. I associate strongly with all the qualities of the Tiger. These are what I aspire to. Embodied in its form are the qualities of power from a higher level that I can link to when negative energy has to be combated. It is 'of' me, but can be externalised to work 'for' me. The same is true of the Panther for Jadie, my twin flame.( http://www.crystalinks.com/soul_mates.html)

I saw the Panther in Jadie's surround before she even mentioned it to me, and she too was aware of my Tiger's presence in her home before I told her about it. Here is what is said of the Tiger for me, born 13th. Minute; 13th. Hour; Friday 13th. October 1950… ( http://wolfs_moon.tripod.com/TigerTotem.html )

Those who scoff at such things have not done their homework! There are powerful documented stories of the use of Totems, which would make the greatest sceptic stop and think. You will be able to read much more of them through the Links Library being developed elsewhere on site.

This site originally was intended to be a more complete vehicle for my book "Down to Earth" (the way it is.) But, since I offered it simply on a Group site for everyone, so much more has happened. The book documents my own incredible journey to enlightenment. It explains how I had an "Event" where my Ancient Memory was returned to me. I recalled the exact nature of how matter interacts at Quantum, between gross matter and the sublime matter of higher levels. The barrier we perceive between the two, is an illusion. Down To Earth, was written to convey a message of understanding upon the true nature of life, and life beyond life. I hope it passes this test.

  • At this point (Nov 2008) I have edited the text and deleted a whole list of
  • amazing things that happened to us since the book was completed. With hindsight,
  • such a list would be wholly inadequate, and would never do the job that the whole
  • work will do when it speaks for itself.

The clock is ticking! and even as the final seconds slip away before the sudden change to affect everything on this Planet, there will be those who will plod-on with their mundane activities, …..all in final denial! We offer this site therefore in common purpose and personal belief of the following…

Within a few years there will be a shift in consciousness for all people of Earth. The shift will be heralded by monumental change in the environment of our Planet and whole Star system. The external environment of the Planet is already undergoing rapid change, and the polarising of opposing attitudes in people is obvious to all who take a step back to see.

We share an ancestry which goes back through the time of antiquity when Atlantean culture predominated. We were seeded by our true ancestors from another Cosmic system far from here. These true ancestors left a legacy that is being rediscovered right now. They left tools for us, which we could use to assist us through the tumultuous changes due.

There are factions who are working at a 'beyond secret' level to discover and develop these ancient powers for their own purpose. Such abuse of authority led once before to the destruction of order as they knew it. However, there was sufficient warning for the righteous back then to foresee the outcome, and to foresee when the Planet would once again face the same danger. They made preparation and left us the knowledge and power to avert the modern- day outcome. Those who try to suppress Scalar Technology and much, much more, underestimate the reach of our ancestors. The Giza activities now are so blatant, that a person would have to be blind to deny the fact.

Do those who try to suppress the mind boggling Re-discoveries of Science, Civilisation and the Cosmos, really think that our Ancestors did not foresee this and take precautions against it? On our new site soon we will discuss new information we have to enable access to this ancient knowledge.The truth may be delayed, but it can never prevented.

It is our contention that the expected turmoil is not a threat; but an opportunity. As the signs and awareness of change becomes more apparent, we are faced with the greatest opportunity since last time. ….That is,to turn away from materialism and greed; …to rally behind these wonderful Re-discoveries and seek peace with our neighbours. ….To turn against the warlords, the bigots, the selfish, the greedy, the non producers, the warmongers, the deceivers.

For all of the above, the change will be their undoing. The rest of us 'will' know Peace again, …from out of the Storm of Transformation.

Understanding follows knowledge and the eventual research links on this site will provide enough for a lifetime of serious study. We hope also through the exploration and sharing of these subjects on the Discussion Board, the time will be shortened. Finally, as we progress with our own plans in Egypt and elsewhere, we hope to share these events and expected discoveries with everyone as soon as we are able.

………Blessings ……….
Jadie and Richard Gabriel

© Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. Contact: Richard Gabriel